Breast Surgery Center
Tumor surgeries and aesthetic breast surgeries at Aesculap hospital are performed by experts with internationally recognized results in surgical technique, published in the most influential world journals. Given the team training and the fact that this is our priority activity, we can continuously perform breast surgeries at significantly more favorable prices.
Modern breast tumor surgery requires exceptional expertise and creativity to remove the tumor in the right way and achieve a good aesthetic and functional result. This can only be ensured by having a surgical oncologist and a plastic surgeon on the same team. The unconditional and high-quality application of the state-of-the-art techniques and achievements in the treatment of breast diseases ranks us among the leading institutions in this field, not only in Serbia but also beyond.
Some of the listed procedures are performed only in our institution, such as intraoperative ultrasound localization of nonpalpable tumors.

Be responsible, and get checked on time.

The most common surgical
The most common surgical procedures: – benign breast disease surgery (fibrocystic dysplasia, mastitis, fibroadenomas, cysts, lipomas) – breast-sparing cancer surgery (only the breast "quadrant" containing the tumor is excised) – "sentinel node" biopsy – surgical technique that spares healthy lymph nodes in the armpit – radical mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction (in some surgical treatments for breast cancer, cooperation with a plastic surgeon is necessary). Reconstructive surgeries achieve aesthetic correction of deformities, i.e., restore the original appearance of the breast, which greatly contributes to a more positive patient attitude towards the disease itself and further treatment.
Prof. Nebojša Ivanović, surgeon-oncologist,
on the application of a unique technique for preoperative marking of benign and malignant lumps
The TECHNIQUE for removing even the tiniest millimeter-sized tumors from breast tissue with the help of a marker needle, devised by Prof. Nebojša Ivanović, surgical oncologist of the "Bežanijska kosa" Clinical Hospital Center, could become world-recognized. Dr. Ivanović, in an interview with "Novosti," reveals that by presenting this technique at the Serbian-German breast cancer symposium, he got experts from the Breast Cancer Center in Heidelberg interested in participating in a randomized study that will examine the advantages of this method over classical surgery. "Thanks to intraoperative ultrasound, women in Serbia can have surgery when their breast cancer is only a few millimeters in size and continue their lives as if they had never gone under the knife," explains the creator of this breast cancer treatment technique, surgical oncologist Dr. Nebojša Ivanović.

Useful tips before breast tumor surgery
To a large extent, these tips can also be applied to surgeries in cases of other tumors. Facing the realization that we have something in our body that needs to be surgically removed causes significant stress. If it is something in the breast, then it is especially stressful. Stress is unpleasant in itself, but more importantly, it can adversely affect the overall disease course by weakening our immunity. That is why we believe that some information and advice provided herein can be useful and help to reduce this stress.
Do not hesitate to consult multiple doctors, in various locations, about your findings and recommendations for surgery. This is a bit more demanding approach, initially more stressful, but it brings peace when you eventually become sure that you have chosen the right doctor and the best treatment.
The choice of the doctor who will carry out the diagnosis, indicate, and perform the surgery is often of crucial importance but also a subjective matter. The most important thing is for the surgeon to be a top expert. But even among the best specialists, there are doctors who will (mis)understand you. Choose a doctor with whom you have the best connection.
Avoid doctors who tell you scary stories about your illness and who present the illness in the worst possible light. It is always better to look at the disease with optimism than pessimism.
Avoid those doctors who uncritically claim that they will cure you completely. For example, there are stages of breast cancer that are almost 100% curable, but this "almost" must always be emphasized. To claim otherwise is professionally irresponsible, and such doctors should be avoided due to professional irresponsibility (or ignorance).
It is desirable to shorten the time from diagnosis and indication for surgery to the surgery itself as much as possible, that is, to undergo surgery as soon as possible. There is no evidence showing that waiting a few weeks for surgery with breast cancer present will have a harmful effect on the overall course of the disease but will not improve it either. And the very awareness of the presence of something dangerous in your body, which grows and develops all the time, causes significant psychological stress.
Stress is also caused by thinking about the upcoming surgery, which is an extraordinary, unnatural, and unpleasant event. For this reason, it is better to perform the surgery as soon as possible, even in cases of benign tumors.